Lansing Model Railroad Club
Home of the Hogsback and Southern Railroad
LMRC “hog” logo

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Recommended Practices | General Orders

100 Name

100.1 The name of this organization shall be “The Lansing Model Railroad Club, Inc.,” hereinafter referred to as the “Club.” The name of the Club railroad shall be the Hogsback & Southern Railroad.

101 Objectives

101.1 To maintain the Millett Depot, 5309 Lansing Road, Lansing (Millett), Michigan, as a public museum of railroadiana for educational and historical purposes.

101.2 To promote interest in and better understanding of model railroading; to show and demonstrate the benefits of model railroading to assist in public education and youth guidance.

101.3 To maintain an educational organization for the study of American railroading, past and present; for to assist in the preparation of youth for railroad careers and to instruct members of the Boy Scouts of America to allow youth to earn the Railroading Merit Badge, and to assist other youth groups in similar projects.

101.4 To provide a central operating layout in the Lansing area for the education of groups or individuals for the above-stated reasons.

102 Organization

102.1 The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Club. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following elected officers: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Secretary.

102.2 The business of this Club shall be transacted by the Board of Directors and through the actions and recommendations of its standing, special, and ad hoc committees as provided in these Bylaws.

102.3 The Club is organized exclusively for such purposes as are authorized and permitted by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future enactment of the Internal Revenue Code).

102.4 The authority for this Club are the laws of the State of Michigan related to charitable and/or non-profit corporations, or any corresponding provisions of any future Michigan law pertaining to non-profit powers and things as authorized and permitted by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as may be amended from time to time.

103 Membership

103.1 Membership shall be open to all persons who are interested in railroading and are willing to share their knowledge with others.

103.2 To be “in good standing,” members must not be in arrears in dues payment by more than three months. Wherever the term “regular member” is used, it refers to a member in good standing.

103.3 Regular membership shall be open to all persons 18 years of age or older who meet the criteria outlined in this Article. Regular members are expected to pay dues within sixty days of the expiration of their current membership to remain in good standing. A regular member is eligible to hold office and to vote in business meetings. Dues fees shall be set by the Board of Directors and ratified by the membership by a two-thirds majority affirmative vote of those present and voting.

103.4 Junior membership shall be open to all persons between 13 and 17 years of age, inclusive, who meet the criteria outlined in this Article. Junior members must show an active interest in model railroading; must be sponsored by a regular member; and must furnish an “Acceptance of Responsibility Statement.” Said statement shall consist of an agreement signed by the parent or guardian and a Club officer to the effect that the parent or guardian accepts responsibility for all actions of the junior member while on the Club premises or participating in a Club activity, and that such parent or guardian shall hold harmless the Club, its officers and members, jointly and severally, from any injury to the junior member or any damage to his/her property while such junior member is on the Club’s premises or en route to or from the Club’s premises, unless such injury or damage be caused recklessly or willfully. Junior members shall not have the right to vote or to hold office. The dues fee for junior members shall be one-half of the fee charged to regular members.

103.5 Persons are nominated for junior membership by their sponsor, serve a probationary period, and apply for junior membership using the same procedure as regular members.

103.6 Honorary membership may be extended to any person by a vote of the regular members. Honorary members do not pay dues, can vote, but cannot hold office.

103.7 Family membership shall be extended to a regular member's spouse and his/her dependents under the age of 13. The spouse and/or pre-teen children of a regular member pay no dues, have no vote, and cannot hold office.

103.8 Prospective members: A prospective member shall provide the Treasurer with the following: an “Application for Membership” to be posted on the Club bulletin board during the prospective member’s probationary period; and three month’s dues to cover the probationary period.

103.9 Accepting prospective members: The prospective member's application will be presented to the membership at the business meeting immediately following the completion of his/her probationary period. The membership application of the prospective member shall be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the regular members. A prospective member rejected by vote shall have all fees refunded. A new regular member's dues commence on the first day of the month of the meeting at which he/she is accepted into the Club.

103.10 A member who resigns while in good standing may rejoin by applying as a prospective member. In such cases the probationary period and fees shall be waived and the application voted upon at the next business meeting, as covered in Article 103.8.

103.11 A former member terminated for failure to pay dues and/or assessments may be reinstated by paying all dues and assessments outstanding at the time of his/her termination. He/she shall then follow the procedures outlined in Article 103.7 and 103.8.

103.12 Assessments may be levied against regular members as deemed necessary. Said assessments must be approved by a vote of the regular members. No more than $20.00 may be assessed in a six-month period.

104 Leaves of Absence

104.1 Applications for leaves of absence shall be submitted in writing to the Treasurer.

104.2 A leave of absence may be granted to regular members, in good standing, with approval by the board of directors.

104.3 A leave of absence shall be granted for a minimum of two months and a maximum of two years. A leave of absence may be extended beyond the two year maximum in two-year increments when approved by a vote of the regular members at a business meeting.

104.4 During a member’s approved leave of absence all dues and other fees will be waived.

104.5 A leave of absence shall end when a member attends more than two weekly meetings in a thirty-day period, or by a vote of the Board of Directors, or by declaration of the individual member. Upon returning from a leave of absence the regular member shall resume dues payments immediately.

105 Termination of Membership

105.1 A membership may be terminated for cause by a vote of the regular members at a business meeting for the following reasons: 1) failure to pay dues and/or assessments for a three month period. In the event of termination for this reason, the member shall be considered terminated on the date he/she became three months in arrears; and 2) violation of the provisions of these Bylaws and/or any other published rule of the Club. The Board of Directors shall interview witnesses and adjudicate in this instance and put the decision to terminate the member so charged to the vote of the membership as stated above.

105.2 Membership may be terminated at any time by a three-quarters majority vote of the regular members Said vote shall be by secret ballot.

105.3 Membership may be terminated upon the request of a member in good standing who wishes to resign.

105.4 A member shall be considered not in good standing if action is pending against him under Article 105.1.

106 Officers

106.1 The officers of this organization shall be, in order of succession, President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Secretary.

106.2 The officers of the Club shall be regular members of the Club.

106.3 An officer may be relieved of his duties by a two-thirds majority affirmative vote of all of the regular members. Such vote shall be conducted by secret ballot. Mail ballots, directed to the Recording Secretary, shall be opened and counted in the presence of the President. Ballots not returned or defective ballots shall be counted as a vote to abstain.

106.5 The Club shall indemnify its officers in accordance with and to the extent permitted by Section 561-563 of the Nonprofit Corporation Act, MCL 450, Act 162, M.S.A. 21.197(561-3), as such may be from time to time amended.

107 Board of Directors

107.1 The function of the Board of Directors is to authorize policy matters and to ensure that the property, funds, and affairs of the Club are handled in conformance with these Bylaws.

107.2 The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers.

107.3 Each member of the Board of Directors shall have one vote.

107.4 Members of the Board of Directors serving the Club without compensation shall not be personally liable, and no cause of action may be brought for damages resulting from the exercise of responsibilities of such Board member, unless such individual’s act or omission involved willful conduct, as provided by Section 209 of the Nonprofit Corporation Act, MCL 450, Act 162, M.S.A. 21.197 (209), as such may be from time to time amended.

107.5 A vacancy in the Board of Directors shall be filled by election at the next business meeting. If more than four weeks will have elapsed before the next scheduled business meeting, a special meeting will be called to fill the vacancy.

107.6 The Board of Directors may act as a Board of Inquiry to fix responsibility for damage to Club or member property. In this capacity it may impose restrictions, fines, and assess damages subject to appeal of the offender to the regular members present at a business meeting who will ratify or reject the decision of the Board of Directors.

108 Elections

108.1 Officers shall be elected to a one-year term at the first regular business meeting of the fiscal year. Only regular members may hold office. Newly elected officers shall be installed at the close of the meeting. Any officer may succeed him/herself in office.

108.2 Prospective candidates for office may announce that fact at any business meeting prior to Club elections or by posting notice of same on the Club bulletin board.

108.3 If a position is contested, the names of the candidates will be mailed by the Recording Secretary to all regular members two weeks prior to the election.

109 Duties of Officers

109.1 The President shall provide the primary Club leadership, preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, preside at all business and special meetings, and shall be an ex officio member of all committees. The President shall serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

109.2 The President shall act as the primary spokesperson for the Club, and shall execute duties that normally pertain to the president of an organization.

109.3 The President shall appoint all committee chairs and establish special and ad hoc committees with the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors.

109.4 The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. He/she shall be in charge of the Club's public relations program, chair the Club’s Museum Committee, and shall perform additional duties as directed by the President.

109.5 The Recording Secretary shall record and report the minutes of all business, special, committee, and Board meetings, and shall furnish a copy of all minutes to the President. The Recording Secretary shall serve as the Secretary of the Board of Directors, and shall execute duties that normally pertain to the secretary of an organization. The Recording Secretary shall attend to all correspondence, send all necessary notices to Club members, and perform additional duties as directed by the President. The Recording Secretary shall update and maintain the Bylaws, Recommended Practices, and General Orders of the Club.

109.6 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of Club funds and for maintaining an accurate record of all transactions. He/she shall submit a complete financial report at each business meeting or at the request of the President. He/she shall prepare all financial forms and reports required by federal, state and local governments. The Treasurer shall execute duties that normally pertain to the treasurer of an organization. The Treasurer shall collect dues in absence of the Membership Secretary.

109.7 The Membership Secretary shall act as the primary liaison with the Club membership. The Membership Secretary shall collect dues, issue membership cards, maintain an accurate membership roster, provide prospective members with new member applications, junior member sponsor form (if applicable), and new member packets. He/she shall provide a list of names of members in good standing, number of members who are less than three months in arrears of dues, and the names the members who are greater than three months in arrears of dues, prior to each business meeting. He/she shall contact members who are in arrears and probationary members prior to the next business meeting.

110 Meetings

110.1 A regular business meeting shall be held at quarterly intervals during the fiscal year, which term shall be set by the Board of Directors. Such meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of the month in the Millett Depot, unless notices to the contrary are posted on the Club bulletin board at least two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the meeting.

110.2 Special business meetings may be called by two or more officers as deemed necessary to transact business whose immediacy cannot wait for the scheduled business meeting. Notification of a special meeting shall be mailed to each member at least one week in advance of the proposed meeting date, or posted on the Club bulletin board at least two weeks before said meeting.

110.3 Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be scheduled at the discretion of the President or at the request of two Board members. Notice of such meetings shall be made to Board members in the most practical manner.

110.4 One-quarter of the regular members shall constitute a quorum to conduct business. The presence of three officers at a Board of Directors meeting is required to transact business. Such business may be conducted by telephone or electronic mail if necessary.

111 Voting

111.1 Voting privileges shall be extended only to regular members.

111.2 An affirmative vote of the majority of the regular members present at a business or special meeting shall be required to approve all business except as otherwise noted.

111.3 Voting by written proxy or mail ballot on specific issues is authorized.

111.4 Members failing to return a mail ballot or failing to have his/her proxy voted on a question requiring the vote of all regular members shall be considered to have abstained on the question.

111.5 A secret ballot may be requested by any regular member on any issue at any time.

112 Standing Committees

112.1 Museum Committee: shall be responsible for cataloging, displaying and maintaining all exhibits within the Millett Depot that are not part of the Hogsback & Southern Railroad, its affiliates and subsidiaries, maintaining all prototype displays on the Club premises, maintaining and cataloging the Club Library, and cataloging and maintaining all furniture, fixtures, tools, and items of railroadiana belonging to the Club.

112.2 Grounds Committee: shall be responsible for all maintenance and repairs to the buildings and grounds of the Club.

112.3 Electrical Committee: shall be responsible for all electrical and electronic repairs, maintenance, and installations on the Hogsback & Southern Railroad, its affiliates and subsidiaries.

112.4 Scenery Committee: shall be responsible for the design, construction, maintenance, and placement of landscaping features and structures on the Hogsback & Southern Railroad, its affiliates and subsidiaries.

112.5 Maintenance of Way Committee: shall be responsible for all design, construction, installation, maintenance, and repairs to the right-of-way and all rolling stock and track accessories on the Hogsback & Southern Railroad, its affiliates and subsidiaries.

112.6 Operations Committee: shall be responsible for setting layout operating standards, rolling stock standards, waybills, switch lists, and schedules for the Hogsback & Southern Railroad, its affiliates and subsidiaries.

112.7 Special Events Committee: shall be responsible for planning and coordinating train shows, open houses, and other special events of the Club.

113 General Administration

113.1 Special Committees: The President, with the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors, may cause the formation of special committee(s) to undertake projects that recur annually that do not bear directly on the activities of maintaining Club facilities. Examples of projects that may be assigned to special committees are the annual Swap Meet and Show, the annual Open House, or other similar projects that are necessary and proper. The term of each special committee begins when the committee receives its charge, and ends after its final report is made to the membership at a regular business meeting.

113.2 Ad hoc Committees: The President, with the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors, may cause the formation of ad hoc committee(s) for the study of proposed project(s), generally involving the Club facilities. The committee is given its charge by the President and thereupon begins its duties which continue until its final report and recommendations have been delivered to the membership. Upon acceptance of the committee’s work by the membership, the committee is automatically dissolved.

113.3 No Club property may be removed from the Club premises without the permission of a Club officer. A receipt for said property completed and signed by the borrower and cosigned by the officer shall be posted on the Club bulletin board.

113.4 Alterations to the Club facilities are defined as any non-budgeted modification and/or removal of structures, trackage, scenery, or electronic control systems. Alterations must be approved by a vote of the regular members. Major alterations are those requiring either the expenditure of more than $100.00 or ten man-hours’ labor. Such alterations must be approved by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the regular members.

113.5 Minor alterations (those not budgeted) may be approved by a vote of the regular members.

113.6 The Club shall create and maintain policy and procedure documents to be used to guide day-to-day operations. The document entitled “Recommended Practices” shall be used to put into practice the specific provisions of these Bylaws. The document entitled “General Orders” shall contain Club rules for operations and operating practices. The Board of Directors may cause, as they may see fit, to create additional documents to guide the operations of the Club. Revisions to these documents shall be ratified by the regular members.

113.7 Visitors will be welcome at all meetings subject to any restrictions noted in the “Recommended Practices” and “General Orders” of the Club. No admission fee will be charged but donations will be cheerfully accepted.

113.8 Certificates of Indebtedness: The Club shall be authorized to issue non-interest bearing notes called "Certificates of Indebtedness." One certificate shall be issued in exchange for $5.00 of cash or materials. Certificates may be repaid in cash from a surplus in the Club Treasury upon a vote of the membership, or may be credited for dues. In the event of dissolution of the Club, all outstanding certificates will be redeemed from the proceeds of dissolution, with the oldest certificates being redeemed first.

114 Personal Conduct

114.1 While on the Club premises or participating in a Club function, a member shall not allow his/her personal conduct to endanger the person or property of another individual or the Club.

114.2 All persons on the Club premises shall conduct themselves in a responsible and honorable manner.

114.3 The possession or use of intoxicants or illegal drugs on the Club premises is prohibited.

115 Parliamentary Practice

115.1 Roberts' Rules of Order (modern edition), except when inconsistent with these Bylaws, shall govern parliamentary practice in meetings of the Board of Directors, regular and special business meetings, and all committee meetings.

116 Disposition of Assets

116.1 This organization may be dissolved only by a unanimous vote of the regular members.

116.2 Upon dissolution of the Club and payment of all of the liabilities of the Club, the remaining assets shall be distributed, as directed by the Board of Directors, exclusively to charitable or educational organizations which then qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future Internal Revenue Code and Regulations of the Department of the Treasury applicable to such action as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.

116.3 No part of the earnings of the Club shall inure to the benefit or be distributable to its members, officers, or other private persons, except that the Club shall be authorized and empowered to make reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in the furtherance of the purposes set forth herein. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, the Club shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or as these sections may hereafter be amended.

117 Amendments

117.1 An amendment to these Bylaws may be proposed in writing by a majority of the Board of Directors, or by five regular members.

117.2 If the Board approves the proposed amendment or a modification of the proposed amendment, it shall be published and submitted to the membership for a vote.

117.3 A two-thirds majority vote of the regular members shall be required to adopt amendments.

Adopted March 7, 2013
Tim D. Childs, Recording Secretary


1000 Purchases

1000.1 An unbudgeted purchase totaling fifty dollars or less may be approved by two officers if such a purchase can not be reasonably postponed until the next business meeting. Refer to Article 113.5 of the Bylaws if these funds are to be used for facility alterations.

1000.2 An unbudgeted purchase totaling two hundred dollars or less may be approved by three officers if such a purchase can not be reasonably postponed until the next business meeting. Refer to Article 113.4 of the Bylaws as above.

1000.3 Funds appropriated by the membership or officers discussed in §§1000.1 and 1000.2 may be withheld by the Treasurer if disbursement of same would prevent the Club from meeting prior obligations.

1000.4 Purchases made in the name of the Club for the personal use of members or other persons is prohibited.

1000.5 Members purchasing materials for unbudgeted Club projects must obtain prior approval at a business meeting or under §§1000.1 and 1000.2, in order to receive a reimbursement or dues credit for said purchase. Purchases not conforming to the above shall be considered donations.

1001 Fiscal Year Practices, Appropriations, and Budgeting

1001.1 The Fiscal Year of the Club shall begin on the first day of each January, and terminate on the last day of December of that same year.

1001.2 All unexpended Club budget appropriations expire at the end of the fiscal year for which they were approved. Members are expected to submit all receipts for purchases by the end of the fiscal year to ensure reimbursement.

1001.3 Unexpended balances for special projects whose budget appropriations were approved during the last fiscal quarter may be extended into the next fiscal year if such extension were approved at the time the funds were allocated.

1001.4 All general budget appropriations for operations of the standing committees for the coming new fiscal year shall be enacted at the December business meeting.

1001.5 None of the foregoing policies in this article shall preclude the appropriation of additional funds for special projects or committee budgets if the need so warrants and funds are available. The availability of funds is subject to the review of the Board of Directors.

1002 Members

1002.1 Only members and their invited guests are allowed operating privileges.

1002.2 Any person attending two or more weekly meetings in a month must apply to become a member.

1002.3 A prospective member does not have to be present at the business meeting where his/her membership is put to vote. However, if the meeting of the membership adjourns to a committee of the whole to discuss the candidacy of prospective members, all prospective members shall be excused from the meeting for this period.

1002.4 All members are required to be familiar with the rules, regulations, and messages posted on the Club bulletin board.

1002.5 All existing members, new, or prospective members shall be provided a statement explaining membership benefits, guidelines, and participation policies. This statement shall be in writing in the form of a flyer, brochure, or letter and be provided to the member by a Board of Director or a membership liaison. Language of the statement shall be approved by a majority vote of the board of directors.

1003 Dues

1003.1 When a member becomes delinquent in dues, the Treasurer shall post a notice to this effect on the Club bulletin board.

1003.2 Dues are to be paid by the first of each month. There will be a one-dollar-per-month late fee assessed for delinquent dues.

1003.3 If a member pays the dues for one full year in advance, the dues fee shall be reduced to ten months for twelve months’ full membership.

1003.4 If a member pays in advance for a full membership year, that membership year ends twelve calendar months from the date the current membership began.

  1. Name Tags

1004.1 The Club shall issue one name tag to all regular, junior, honorary, and family members who have passed the probationary period. The cost for the member’s initial name tag shall be paid by the Club.

1004.2 All name tags shall include the Club name, logo, and member’s name. Generic name tags containing a blank member name space, “guest,” or “volunteer” can be made with a quantity determined by the Board of Directors.

1004.3 Officer title tags shall be made and affixed to the appropriate members’ name tag. Title tags are the property of the Club and shall be handed over to the member holding the office.

1004.4 Name tags shall be made in club colors with a blue background and white or gray lettering.

1004.5 Name tags are required to be worn at all Club sponsored public events.

1004.6 The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for obtaining new name tags.

1004.7 Name tags are the property of the Club and must be returned upon termination of membership.

1004.8 All members are responsible for his or her name tag. Any lost, damaged, or mutilated name tag will be replaced at the member’s expense unless approved by a majority of the Board of Directors.

1005 Operations

1005.1 Train operations shall be governed by the Hogsback & Southern Book of Rules and Employee’s Timetable.

1005.2 Club keys shall be issued to regular members at the discretion of the Board of Directors. There will be a deposit fee to be determined by the Board which will be refundable upon the return of the keys. Keys may be recalled upon termination of membership or at the direction of the Board of Directors .

1005.3 Each Thursday night of the month, except for the last, will consist of a work session. At work sessions, train running shall not begin until after 9:00 p.m., and then only if there is no mainline track maintenance or other work that can be interfered with by running trains.

1005.4 All those running trains are expected to participate in that evening’s Club maintenance.

1005.5 The last Thursday of each month will be reserved for operations.

1005.6 On operating nights and public shows, visitors and members without specific assignments may not enter the layout area while operations continue.

1005.7 Operation of the Club layout is restricted to Club members who are qualified and to their invited guests, under the direct supervision of the member.

1005.8 The Club offers tours and demonstrations to youth groups, including Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Indian Guides, etc. In order to maintain the safety of our guests and of our facility, visiting groups must observe the following: 1) There shall be one adult for every two children. 2) The group must provide two weeks’ notice to ensure that sufficient members can be present for the visit. 3) Groups shall not exceed 20 people. 4) Adult supervision of children while in the facility or on the grounds is required at all times.

1005.9 Children of members are welcome at Club activities with supervision. The children may be permitted to operate only the equipment they have demonstrated, to a regular member, competency in operation.

1006 Amendments

1006.1 Amendments to these “Recommended Practices” and to the “General Orders” shall be proposed by any regular member at any regular or special business meeting. A simple majority affirmative vote shall be required to adopt the rule change.

Adopted September 6, 2007
>Stephen Brooks, Recording Secretary


June 6, 2002

Membership dues are:

Regular: $6.00 per month
Junior: $3.00 per month


October 6, 1959

The Kadee MagneMatic shall be the Club's standard coupler and must be used at all operating sessions and public shows. Kadee Magne-Matic compatible couplers may be used if previously proven to work on the layout.

January 1, 1977

The use of other couplers on solid consists of like cars operated as a unit train is permitted. Examples of a unit train under this rule are trains equipped with drawbars, articulated intermodal trains, and passenger trains.


January 5, 1960

Light blue and grey shall be the Club colors.


September 21, 1972

The wiring book must be followed when doing any wiring on the club layout.


March 22, 1973

All equipment operating on the club layout must conform to the current NMRA standards.


May 31, 1973

No toolboxes or similar items are to be placed on the layout.


May 31, 1973

A five-dollar deposit is required for each set of facility keys issued.


March 4, 1973

There shall be no smoking in the building.


September 27, 1973

The direction left to right on the dispatcher’s board shall be eastbound.


December 2, 1975

Train operators will refrain from hot rodding.


March 2, 1976

Turnout standards shall conform to NMRA RP 12.3.


March 12, 1998

All noncash donations to the Club must be approved in advance by the Board of Directors.


June 6, 2002

The 14-channel Family Radio Service (FRS) two-way radio shall be the standard club radio for Hogsback & Southern Railroad communications. All members are responsible to purchase their own radios, accessories, and batteries for operations and public shows.


September 6, 2012

The layout shall be steam to diesel transition era.

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